We are a full service public relations and strategic communications consultancy for companies, candidates and causes. At Edge Messaging, strategic, goal-oriented planning is at the heart of every winning message that we develop and every project we complete. We are a low-overhead, high-impact firm right in the heart of Crucial Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

Our Services
Audio • Visual • DigitalAudio/Visual & Digital Production
With our state of the art facilities, Edge Messaging can produce an integrated package of TV/Radio/Digital media that tells the story you want told.
Media Buying
Digital • Broadcast • PrintMedia Buying
We have an experienced media buying team that will maximize your ROI over digital, broadcast and print media.
Crisis Communications
Time is everythingCrisis Communications
Fact: There are no more ‘news cycles.’ You don’t have a few days to figure out how an emerging story is going to play out.
Message Delivery
Social Media • Press Releases • NewslettersMessage Delivery
Whether it’s social media or the creation of traditional written material like press releases, Edge Messaging has you covered.
Recording • Editing • DistributionPodcasting
Reach this fast-growing audience with compelling storytelling.
Communications Strategy
Public RelationsCommunications Strategy / Public Relations
We help companies, candidates, and causes develop winning messages that deliver favorable results.
Brand Identification & Imaging
From Scratch • RefreshBrand Identification & Imaging
Edge Messaging can help you establish your brand from scratch or augment the work that’s been done to establish you or your product’s image and standing.
Media Training
Media Training
For more than two decades, the professionals behind Edge Messaging have provided media training to candidates and others who find themselves in the public eye.

Ready to Talk?
do you have a big idea we can help with?